December 31, 2017 | Death and Rebirth of a Vision - Part 1 | Robin Bayles |
December 24, 2017 | Love | Marie Juliano |
December 17, 2017 | Joy and Angels | Igho Herbert |
December 17, 2017 | Prophetic Word for the Church | Chito Himan |
December 10, 2017 | Peace | Jordan Pfeiffer |
December 3, 2017 | Let Hope Arise | Bekah Raze |
November 26, 2017 | Greater is He | Don Ponikvar |
November 19, 2017 | Word for NCF - 33rd Anniversary | Bob Perry |
November 12, 2017 | Why Missions? | Robin Bayles |
October 29, 2017 | The Fullness of God | Marie Juliano |
October 22, 2017 | The Character of Jesus - Part 2 | Don Ponikvar |
October 15, 2017 | The Character of Jesus - Part 1 | Don Ponikvar |
October 8, 2017 | Why Speaking in Tongues is for Today | Robin Bayles |
October 1, 2017 | The Baptism in the Holy Spirit | Robin Bayles |
September 24, 2017 | Testimonies | Stephen Raze |
September 17, 2017 | The Message of the Shofar | Don Ponikvar |
September 10, 2017 | Walking With Jesus - Part 2 | Don Ponikvar |
September 3, 2017 | Walking With Jesus - Part 1 | Don Ponikvar |
August 13, 2017 | Arrest and Defense in Jerusalem | Bob McCaig |
August 6, 2017 | Paul and the Elders in Jerusalem | Robin Bayles |
July 30, 2017 | Missionary Message | Brad Thurston |
July 16, 2017 | Why Jesus Wept | Igho Herbert |
July 9, 2017 | Guest Message | Dick Sorenson |
July 2, 2017 | Jerusalem and 4 Men With Vows | Bob McCaig |
June 25, 2017 | A Prophecy for Paul | Don Ponikvar |
June 18, 2017 | Stephen Raze Ordination | N/A |
June 4, 2017 | Message to the Ephesian Elders | Robin Bayles |
May 28, 2017 | Bought With a Price | Bob McCaig |
May 21, 2017 | After the Uproar | Butch Chevalier |
May 14, 2017 | Acts 19:21-40 A Mob, Paul, and the Root of All Evil | Robin Bayles |
May 7, 2017 | Spiritual Warfare 101 | Don Ponikvar |
April 30, 2017 | Acts 19:11-20 The Power of the Spirit | Don Ponikvar |
April 23, 2017 | Acts 19:1-10 The Twelve Receive Power | Robin Bayles |
April 16, 2017 | The Fulcrum of History | Don Ponikvar |
April 9, 2017 | Palm Sunday | Don Ponikvar |
April 2, 2017 | Acts 18:23-28 Apollos' Incomplete Message | Robin Bayles |
March 19, 2017 | Acts 18:9-17 An Encouraging Word | Don Ponikvar |
March 12, 2017 | Acts 18:6-8 The Blessing of Opposition Part 2 | Robin Bayles |
March 5, 2017 | Acts 18:6-8 The Blessing of Opposition Part 1 | Robin Bayles |
February 26, 2017 | Acts 18:1-5 Where is God? | Bob McCaig |
February 12, 2017 | Acts 17:1-12 A Tale of Two Cities | Don Ponikvar |
February 5, 2017 | Acts 16:6-40 New Opportunities | Bob McCaig |
January 29, 2017 | Acts 16:1-5 Practical Lessons | Bob McCaig |
January 22, 2017 | Acts 15:36-41 Brothers and Disputes | Don Ponikvar |
January 15, 2017 | Acts 15:1-35 - The Jerusalem Council | Robin Bayles |
January 8, 2017 | God's Love | Bob McCaig |
December 18, 2016 | Love and Advent | Robin Bayles |
December 11, 2016 | The Joy of the Lord | Don Ponikvar |
December 4, 2016 | Peace | Butch Chevalier |
November 27, 2016 | Hope: Look Up | Robin Bayles |
November 20, 2016 | Botswana Update | The Witts |
November 13, 2016 | Knowing God | Bevan Stein |
October 30, 2016 | Acts 14:8-20 Idolatry and Outreach | Don Ponikvar |
October 23, 2016 | Words for NCF | Various |
September 18, 2016 | Acts 13:1-5 Paul's First Journey | Bob McCaig |
September 11, 2016 | Acts 12:18-25 God Deals With Our Enemies | Don Ponikvar |
September 4, 2016 | Acts 12:5-17 God Hears Our Prayers | Butch Chevalier |
August 28, 2016 | Acts 12:1-5 God's Sovereignty | Robin Bayles |
August 21, 2016 | Acts 11: 27-30 The Giving Church | Bob McCaig |
August 14, 2016 | Acts 11:19-26 The Jerusalem Council Part 2 | Don Ponikvar |
August 7, 2016 | Acts 11:1-18 The Jerusalem Council Part 1 | Don Ponikvar |
July 31, 2016 | Acts 10:23-48 The Gospel for the Gentiles | Robin Bayles |
July 24, 2016 | Obedience and God's Word to Go | Brad Thurston |
July 10, 2016 | Acts 9:36-43 Tabitha Healed | Deborah Pfeiffer |
July 3, 2016 | Acts 9:32-35 Aeneas Healed | Robin Bayles |
June 19, 2016 | Acts 9:23-25 Patience, Trust, Obedience | Bob McCaig |
June 12, 2016 | Acts 9:19-22 The New Man in Action | Don Ponikvar |
June 5, 2016 | Acts 9:10-19 Saul's Healing by Ananias | Robin Bayles |
May 29,2016 | Acts 9:1-9 Forgiveness | Robin Bayles |
May 8, 2016 | Acts 8:26-40 Phillip and the Ethiopian | Don Ponikvar |
May 1, 2016 | Acts 8:9-25 | Robin Bayles |
April 24, 2016 | Acts 8:4-8 Joy in the City | Butch Chevalier |
April 17, 2016 | Act 8:1-3 The Persecution Begins | Robin Bayles |
April 10, 2016 | Acts 7:54-60 The Death of Stephen | Don Ponikvar |
April 3, 2016 | Acts 7:51-53 Resisting Their God | Robin Bayles |
March 27, 2016 | First Fruits and the Resurrection | Don Ponikvar |
March 13, 2016 | Acts 7:37-43 Beyond Babylon | Don Ponikvar |
March 6, 2016 | Acts 7:9-36 God-sent Deliverers | Bob McCaig |
February 28, 2016 | Acts 7:1-8 Stephen's Defense | Robin Bayles |
February 14, 2016 | Acts 6:8-15 Stuck in a Rut | Bob McCaig |
February 7, 2016 | Acts 6:1-7 Deacons and a Servant's Heart | Don Ponikvar |
January 31, 2016 | Acts 5:40-42 Don't Quit | Robin Bayles |
January 17, 2016 | Acts 5:33-39 Gamaliel's Caution | Butch Chevalier |
January 10, 2016 | Acts 5:17-42 We Must Obey God! | Butch Chevalier |
January 3, 2016 | Acts 5:12-16 Signs and Wonders (Parts 1&2) | Don Ponikvar |
December 20, 2015 | 4th Sunday of Advent - Love | Don Ponikvar |
December 13, 2015 | 3rd Sunday of Advent - Joy | Robin Bayles |
December 6, 2015 | 2nd Sunday of Advent - Peace | Butch Chevalier |
November 29, 2015 | 1st Sunday of Advent - Hope | Bob McCaig |
November 15, 2015 | Acts 5:1-11 Simple Obedience | Robin Bayles |
October 25, 2015 | Fasting | Stephen Raze |
October 18, 2015 | A Powerful Prayer Meeting | Bob McCaig |
October 11, 2015 | Buckner Greetings | Johnny Buckner |
October 4, 2015 | Acts 4:5-22 Before the Sanhedrin | Peter Mitchell |
September 27, 2015 | The Feast of Tabernacles | Don Ponikvar |
September 20, 2015 | God’s Grace | Pam Singer |
September 6, 2015 | Acts 4:1-4 The Persecuted Church | Don Ponikvar |
August 30, 2015 | Acts 3:21-26 | Josh Himan |
July 12, 2015 | Vernon Kaylor’s Memorial Service | |
July 12, 2015 | Acts 2:37-41 Repent, Turn, and Be Baptized | Bob McCaig |
June 7, 2015 | Stop Starting and Wait | Butch Chevalier |
May 31, 2015 | The Wedding Feast | Bekah and Stephen Raze |
May 17, 2015 | Everyone Experiences Trials and Tribulations | Marie Juliano |
May 10, 2015 | The Botswana Mission | Sarah Witt |
May 3, 2015 | Acts 1:12-19 Be Prepared! | Don and Patti Ponikvar |
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